
Live Interpretation is about living history, museum theatre, tours, roving interpretation and other forms of person-to-person interpretation.

Here I hope to explore all styles of live interpretation with postings from me, links to resources, relevant research, comments by leaders in the field and anything else I can think of that helps us understand and become more effective at one of the most powerful visitor experiences.

I welcome your comments and suggestions!

Dale Jones
Making History Connections

Friday, September 12, 2014


I have developed a strategy for creating engaging tours that I call "THE CAST." Why "THE CAST?" Because the staff who present tour experiences at your site are "THE CAST" in a museum production.

Based on recent visitor research, THE CAST combines themes, visitor engagements, authenticity, tour structure, and training into one strategy. An excerpt of if is below, but if you would like more information email me at dalejones@makinghistoryconnections.com

"THE CAST" MODEL of Tour Development
Elements for developing an engaging and memorable tour for your visitors

By Dale Jones, Making History Connections

If you are looking for a way to make your tours more engaging for visitors, which in turn will make them more interesting for your tour guides, try this model. Recent research has confirmed these strategies; use them for your tours and you will be on your way to creating a tour experience that visitors find engaging -- and memorable.

Why “THE CAST?” First, a tour in many ways is like a play. By keeping that theater mindset of a cast, you are more likely to treat the presentation as an event to design carefully and then rehearse, or practice, for creating the best experience possible for the public. 

“THE CAST” also provides an easy mnemonic device to help remember the key elements:


And finally, the model is based on visitor research, and it works!

Each element of THECAST model appears below with a short description.


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